The Department of Justice and the Department of Health have jointly published a 2019/20 action plan under the Stopping Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse Strategy.
The action plan will directly contribute to the delivery of the 2016 Stopping Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse Strategy’s vision – to have a society in Northern Ireland in which domestic and sexual violence is not tolerated in any form, effective tailored preventative and responsive services are provided, all victims are supported and perpetrators are held to account.
Cross departmental actions include:
- a mid-term review of the seven year Stopping Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse Strategy;
- developing an action plan to progress the agreed recommendations from the Gillen Review, when it is published;
- ensuring continued provision of a 24 hour Domestic and Sexual Abuse Helpline Service and
- considering how schools can be notified of domestic abuse incidents.
The Departments of Justice and Health will also continue to work collaboratively with interested parties to promote the “Guidance for Employers on Developing a Workplace Policy on Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse”, launched in November 2018.
The Department of Justice will evaluate the Domestic Violence and Abuse Disclosure Scheme; introduce Domestic Homicide Reviews; progress work, with partners, on a model for a streamlined advocacy support service; and evaluate a recent domestic abuse behavioural change programme.
The action plan is the fourth to be issued under the strategy and is based on partnership working with the Department of Education, Department for Communities and other statutory, voluntary and community sector colleagues. The plan is available here.